ABC Dinos by Didactoons teaches children to read and write
ABC Dinos by Didactoons teaches children to read and write
Fifth game by thestudio and first focused on literacy To be launched for iOS and Android on February 11th ,2019 Available in six languages :English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German Voice over in several languages to teach children to recognize sounds The educational video games development studio Didactoons launches their fifth title, ABC Dinos , that will teach children their first letters in a fun way. Re-editing the studio’s successful formula, ABC Dinos combines an arcade game with exercises that help reinforcing concepts in the most important stages of education. The game will be freely available for Android and iOS from next February 11th, 2019 . In this launch version, six languages can be chosen, with more being planned for future updates. ABC Dinos uses speech synthesis to help children understanding the game rules and recognizing the sounds of letters in all those languages. Customization options have been included to adapt to different literacy learning methods. So, you can choose between print writing or continuous writing -often called cursive- that is traditionally used in latin countries. Each game round, a new letter is introduced. Following the most popular methods , uppercase letters are taught first, beginning with the vowels and continuing with consonants, ordered by phonetic groups. Nevertheless, any letter can be selected at any time, making possible repetition or skipping letters that the child already knows. The free version of ABC Dinos allows playing with uppercase and lowercase vowels plus two consonants. The rest of the letters is available for only one payment , that also removes ads and provides access to additional stages (launching price in USA: $1.99). Links Press kit: https://www.abcdinos.com/en/presskit/ Contact: https://www.didactoons.com/en/contact/ Download from App Store (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1445583038 Download from Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Didactoons.ABCDinos Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMOd79ADxnw Credits Design Antonio Muñoz Germán David Rioja Redondo Art Antonio Muñoz Germán Programming David Rioja Redondo Music & SFX Daniel Núñez Martín