Published games/projects
Dynasty Feud (Collaborator)
Aheartfulofgames is a small indie studio that was born with the objective of making innovative, offbeat games using a collaborative partnership approach to production. It is the original idea of three partners with backgrounds in film, engineering and videogames, but its strength relies as much on the original partners as on the collaborators engaged through its production philosophy. The company’s collaborative production philosophy provides a framework through which a variety of professionals (artists, writers, musicians, designers) can join the main partners to work on a specific videogame project while retaining creative control and sharing revenue from the endeavor. Aheartfulofgames is a production studio that helps the creators keep control of the projects while providing a legal, economic and organizational framework that enables those games to be successfully completed and exploited commercially in the wider marketplace.
Dynasty Feud (Collaborator)
Paseo Santa Maria de la cabeza 67 3a