
Walk the dark path of a blind cyber samurai in this action platformer filled with robotic Japanese folktales. Together with Yami, embark on a journey of revenge to face the dangers of the mysterious Edo period, discover a forgotten past, and unveil its lost mechanical lore. Welcome to the New Edo period, a dark era ruled over by cyborgs and merciless machines! You are Yami, a blind cyber samurai in service of the Shogunate meant to protect civilians from monsters and bloodthirsty robotic abominations. It is your duty to bring the Shogun’s justice to the wicked by carrying out your master’s orders without question and eradicating all of his adversaries. Set out on a thrilling journey across an exotic world where outlandish landscapes are inhabited by bizarre robots and the most frightening creatures from Japanese folklore. Cut a path through the darkness with your deadly katana and the shots of your devastating hand cannon to discover a startling truth that lies beyond the confines of the visible realm. Look deeper and you might find roots of unexpected evil in the heart of shadows… – The Way of The Samurai Yami is a samurai demon hunter. Following the path of an honor-bound warrior, it is his duty to not only destroy his master’s enemies but also protect civilians from bloodthirsty robotic abominations. – Shadows in Motion Continued survival will require you to learn to detect danger using sounds, vibration, and heat emissions. Heed your senses and strike at your foes when they least expect it! – Weapon Combinations The deadly blade of your katana and the heavy hand cannon perfectly complement each other in combat: alternate lightning-fast strikes with incinerating firepower to destroy anything that stands in your path. Yami’s tale of revenge and honor is gripping, profound, unexpected and its narrative is unveiled to the player through manga-style visual novel style dialogues. In this way, the player will be invited to follow/play Yami on his dark path and uncover the truth that lies beyond what the eye can see.

  • Release year
  • State
  • Platforms
    PC Windows, XONE, PS4, Switch
  • Genre
    Action, Platforms
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