
Planes Control is a great path-drawing game that was launched by Rarepixels and is now available worldwide on the Apple AppStore and the Android Market. It is easy to learn and enjoy, but difficult to master. Players have to draw lines to safety ground all incoming aircraft to the airfields. It requires a smart strategy, time and passion to accomplish all 13 different levels and land 40 kinds of aircrafts. Enemies, tornadoes, mountains, wildfires and aliens are taking the game to an unexpected adventure. A combination of real planes, engaging missions and no ads or other distractions while playing is making players addicted in a good way and guarantees them a lot of fun! Besides challenging and entertaining on all levels, you will be surprised by the high-quality graphics, amazing music written by a music studio and clear instructions in English, German, Spanish and Russian, Portuguese and French conducted by Natives speakers.

  • State
  • Platforms
    iOS, Android
  • Genre
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