
LIVE AN EPIC ADVENTURE! After the war in Perna, Broccion in Asmara, conflicting forces found themselves in a stalemate. They sought power and Fletta gems to survive. One hundred years afterwards, these gems are lacking and the fuse of conflict has reignited. F2P with the possibility of trading with play money for premium objects. Unique Fletta system: level up and improve your skills or charm your items with Fletta points. Massive battles between factions and guilds to control castles and mines that offer great rewards. 4 races, 7 classes, 42 professions with 12 unique super abilities. PVP and PVE modes: 1v1 duels from multitudinous sieges with hundreds of users.

  • State
  • Platforms
    PC Windows
  • Genre
    MMO, RPG
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