
-The Bolt Age is a new video game currently in development that follows a third-person shooter format. The story is set in a steampunk environment with characters based on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. At a time when most equipment is powered by steam, Nikola Tesla’s ventures into electricity create powerful weapons. The player character, William (Bill) Bolt, utilizes these weapons to take out a variety of enemies, including six boss characters. The game is constructed into 4 primary levels with a total of 20 sub-levels spanning 13 distinct locations. Players work their way through the game by using different weapons to defeat the various enemies. Each weapon has distinct benefits and drawbacks, and players must select the most appropriate weapon for each scenario. Cut-Out Games Studio, an independent video game developer, has already laid out the story and overall imagery. They are currently in the initial development stage of the game, which will be released on PC, XboxOne and PS4. They have already completed development for 3 of the 20 sub-levels and hope to move the entire game into alpha testing in April 2019. Beta testing will begin in September 2019 in advance of the PC launch in December 2019. The console versions of the game will be released in May 2020.

  • Release year
  • State
  • Platforms
    PC Windows, XONE, PS4
  • Genre
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